
Configuring submission document storage on Dropbox

Sensitive documents submitted in response to deliverables are uploaded to Dropbox rather than to Google Drive. This requires configuring terraware-server with the right Dropbox API credentials.

These instructions can be used to set up a


Step 1: Create an app

Go to the Dropbox app console. Make sure you’re log in as the user you’re going to use.

Click “Create app”.

Use these settings:

Click “Create app.”

Step 2: Configure authentication

In the app’s details, go to the Settings tab (you should already be there after creating the app).

Under OAuth 2, set “Allow public clients” to Disallow.

Optional: Copy the app key and app secret somewhere; you’ll both later. Or you can come back to this page to get them when needed.

Step 3: Configure permissions

In the app’s settings, go to the Permissions tab. Enable the following:

Click the “Submit” link.

This will require manually constructing an OAuth2 URL to get a code. The URL should look like:


where APP_KEY is the app key from the “Settings” tab of the app’s details (from step 2).

Go to this URL in a new browser tab/window. You’ll be prompted to confirm that you really want to connect the app to your Dropbox account.

After granting permission to the app, you’ll get a page with a temporary code, which will be used in the next step.

Step 5: Generate a refresh token

This requires sending a POST request to Dropbox. Easiest is to do it from the command line:

    curl -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=APP_KEY&client_secret=APP_SECRET&code=CODE' https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token

Where APP_KEY and APP_SECRET are the app key and secret from the settings page (from step 2) and CODE is the code from the end of step 4.

You’ll get back a JSON object. Look for "refresh_token": – you will want the value in double quotes right after that.

Step 6: Configure terraware-server

If you’re using a local application YAML file, you can include the credentials in there. Only do this for local testing, and make sure you don’t put them in a file that gets checked into version control!

    app-key: "APP_KEY"
    app-secret: "APP_SECRET"
    enabled: true
    refresh-token: "REFRESH_TOKEN_FROM_STEP_5"

For deployment or if you’re running terraware-server with a Docker image, you’ll want to put the values in environment variables: