
0 rows


Details about projects that are only relevant for accelerator applicants. The values here are for internal use, not exposed to end users.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
project_id int8 19 null project_accelerator_details_project_id_fkeyR
pipeline_id int4 10 null project_accelerator_details_pipeline_id_fkeyR
deal_stage_id int4 10 null project_accelerator_details_deal_stage_id_fkeyR
application_reforestable_land numeric 131089 null
confirmed_reforestable_land numeric 131089 null
total_expansion_potential numeric 131089 null
num_native_species int4 10 null
min_carbon_accumulation numeric 131089 null
max_carbon_accumulation numeric 131089 null
per_hectare_budget numeric 131089 null
num_communities int4 10 null
investment_thesis text 2147483647 null
failure_risk text 2147483647 null
what_needs_to_be_true text 2147483647 null
deal_description text 2147483647 null
project_lead text 2147483647 null
file_naming text 2147483647 null

Identifier that is included in generated filenames. This is often, but not necessarily, the same as the project name.

dropbox_folder_path text 2147483647 null
google_folder_url text 2147483647 null
carbon_capacity numeric 131089 null
annual_carbon numeric 131089 null
total_carbon numeric 131089 null
hubspot_url text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
project_accelerator_details_pkey Primary key Asc project_id
