
0 rows


Information about the status of files uploaded by users. This is used to track the progress of file processing such as importing datafiles; contents of this table may expire and be deleted after a certain amount of time.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
upload_problems.upload_id upload_problems_upload_id_fkeyC
created_by int8 19 null
users.id uploads_created_by_fkeyR
created_time timestamptz 35,6 null
filename text 2147483647 null
storage_url text 2147483647 null
content_type text 2147483647 null
type_id int4 10 null
upload_types.id uploads_type_id_fkeyR
status_id int4 10 null
upload_statuses.id uploads_status_id_fkeyR
organization_id int8 19 null
organizations.id uploads_organization_id_fkeyR
facility_id int8 19 null
facilities.id uploads_facility_id_fkeyR
locale text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
uploads_pkey Primary key Asc id
uploads_facility_id_idx Performance Asc facility_id
