
0 rows


Top-level information about organizations.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
batches.organization_id batches_organization_id_fkeyC
facilities.organization_id facilities_organization_id_fkeyC
draft_planting_sites.organization_id draft_planting_sites_organization_id_fkeyC
planting_sites.organization_id planting_sites_organization_id_fkeyC

Unique numeric identifier of the organization.

name text 2147483647 null
created_time timestamptz 35,6 null
modified_time timestamptz 35,6 null
disabled_time timestamptz 35,6 null
country_code text 2147483647 null
country_subdivision_code text 2147483647 null
description text 2147483647 null
created_by int8 19 null
modified_by int8 19 null
time_zone text 2147483647 null
organization_type_id int4 10 null
organization_type_details varchar 100 null

User provided information on the organization when type is Other, limited to 100 characters.

website text 2147483647 null

Website information for the organization with no formatting restrictions.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
organization_pkey Primary key Asc id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
country_code_matches_subdivision (((country_subdivision_code IS NULL) OR (substr(country_subdivision_code, 1, 2) = country_code)))
other_type_details_only_for_other ((((organization_type_details IS NULL) AND (organization_type_id <> 6)) OR ((organization_type_details IS NOT NULL) AND (organization_type_id = 6))))
other_type_details_null_or_not_empty (((organization_type_details IS NULL) OR ((organization_type_details)::text <> ''::text)))
organizations_description_check ((description !~ similar_to_escape(' *'::text)))
organizations_country_subdivision_code_check ((country_subdivision_code !~ similar_to_escape(' *'::text)))
organizations_country_code_check ((country_code !~ similar_to_escape(' *'::text)))
