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18.385 57.399 44.164 6.047 22.546-11.922 41.533-30.693 55.408-19.462 14.387-44.342 28.69-64.028 14.611-19.947-14.266-15.548-42.761-7.93-66.071 7.563-23.136 20.93-47.177 45.252-48.112' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__b)' fillOpacity={0.2} fillRule='evenodd' d='M96.667 4.039c26.67-1.026 50.485 18.385 57.399 44.164 6.047 22.546-11.922 41.533-30.693 55.408-19.462 14.387-44.342 28.69-64.028 14.611-19.947-14.266-15.548-42.761-7.93-66.071 7.563-23.136 20.93-47.177 45.252-48.112' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__c)' d='M108.999 106.449h-.019c-2.75 0-4.982-3.33-5-7.449-.018 4.109-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__d)' d='M142.999 19.449h-.019c-2.75 0-4.982-3.33-5-7.449-.018 4.11-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__e)' d='M66.999 42.449h-.02c-2.75 0-4.98-3.33-4.999-7.449-.018 4.11-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <mask id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__g' width={200} height={128} x={0} y={0} maskUnits='userSpaceOnUse' style={{ maskType: 'alpha', }} > <path fill='#E2F6EC' fillRule='evenodd' d='M96.667 4.039c26.67-1.026 50.485 18.385 57.399 44.164 6.047 22.546-11.922 41.533-30.693 55.408-19.462 14.387-44.342 28.69-64.028 14.611-19.947-14.266-15.548-42.761-7.93-66.071 7.563-23.136 20.93-47.177 45.252-48.112' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__f)' fillOpacity={0.2} fillRule='evenodd' d='M96.667 4.039c26.67-1.026 50.485 18.385 57.399 44.164 6.047 22.546-11.922 41.533-30.693 55.408-19.462 14.387-44.342 28.69-64.028 14.611-19.947-14.266-15.548-42.761-7.93-66.071 7.563-23.136 20.93-47.177 45.252-48.112' clipRule='evenodd' /> </mask> <g mask='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__g)'> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__h)' d='m158 92.5-38-38-39.61 34.371 38.543 38.542z' opacity={0.25} /> </g> <path fill='#EAF3DC' d='M84.667 37.333a6.01 6.01 0 0 0-6 6v41.334c0 3.306 2.693 6 6 6h30.666c3.308 0 6-2.692 6-6v-28c0-.554-.224-1.053-.586-1.414l-17.333-17.334a2 2 0 0 0-1.414-.586z' /> <path fill='#2C8658' d='M84.667 37.333a6.01 6.01 0 0 0-6 6v41.334c0 3.306 2.693 6 6 6h30.666c3.308 0 6-2.692 6-6v-28c0-.554-.224-1.053-.586-1.414l-17.333-17.334a2 2 0 0 0-1.414-.586zm0 4H100v11.334c0 3.306 2.693 6 6 6h11.333v26c0 1.102-.897 2-2 2H84.667c-1.107 0-2-.894-2-2V43.333c0-1.106.893-2 2-2M104 44.161l10.505 10.506H106c-1.107 0-2-.894-2-2zm6.667 21.172a2.664 2.664 0 0 0-2.659 2.498l-5.341 5.34-4.008-4.007A2.667 2.667 0 0 0 96 66.667a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-2.659 2.497l-4.177 4.177a2.666 2.666 0 0 0 .17 5.326 2.667 2.667 0 0 0 2.658-2.498L96 72.162l4.008 4.007a2.666 2.666 0 0 0 2.659 2.498 2.667 2.667 0 0 0 2.659-2.498l5.51-5.51a2.667 2.667 0 0 0-.169-5.326' /> </g> <defs> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__b' x1={126.5} x2={50} y1={104} y2={27.5} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#F1F0EC' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#84D6AC' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__c' x1={99} x2={109} y1={99} y2={114} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__d' x1={133} x2={143} y1={12} y2={27} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__e' x1={57} x2={67} y1={35} y2={50} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__f' x1={126.5} x2={50} y1={104} y2={27.5} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#F1F0EC' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#84D6AC' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__h' x1={93.831} x2={135.329} y1={72.5} y2={116.904} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <clipPath id='blobby-icon-graph-report_svg__a'> <path fill='#fff' d='M0 0h200v128H0z' /> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> ); export default SvgBlobbyIconGraphReport; |