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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 | 2x | import * as React from 'react'; import { SVGProps } from 'react'; interface SVGRProps { title?: string; titleId?: string; } const SvgBlobbyIconWrench = ({ title, titleId, ...props }: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & SVGRProps) => ( <svg xmlns='' fill='none' viewBox='0 0 200 128' aria-labelledby={titleId} {...props}> {title ? <title id={titleId}>{title}</title> : null} <g clipPath='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__a)'> <path fill='#E2F6EC' fillRule='evenodd' d='M85.957 4.231c27.911-2.327 55.85 13.068 64.879 39.58 9.385 27.56-1.432 58.971-25.993 74.602-21.169 13.473-47.12.371-66.2-15.926-14.37-12.272-16.13-31.86-11.068-50.066 6.08-21.874 15.757-46.304 38.382-48.19' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__b)' fillOpacity={0.2} fillRule='evenodd' d='M85.957 4.231c27.911-2.327 55.85 13.068 64.879 39.58 9.385 27.56-1.432 58.971-25.993 74.602-21.169 13.473-47.12.371-66.2-15.926-14.37-12.272-16.13-31.86-11.068-50.066 6.08-21.874 15.757-46.304 38.382-48.19' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__c)' d='M146.999 100.449h-.019c-2.75 0-4.982-3.33-5-7.449-.018 4.11-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__d)' d='M87.999 25.449h-.02c-2.75 0-4.98-3.33-4.999-7.449-.018 4.11-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__e)' d='M63.999 76.449h-.02c-2.75 0-4.98-3.33-4.999-7.449-.018 4.11-2.239 7.434-4.98 7.449 2.741.015 4.962 3.34 4.98 7.449.018-4.119 2.25-7.449 5-7.449z' /> <mask id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__g' width={200} height={128} x={0} y={0} maskUnits='userSpaceOnUse' style={{ maskType: 'alpha', }} > <path fill='#E2F6EC' fillRule='evenodd' d='M85.957 4.231c27.911-2.327 55.85 13.068 64.879 39.58 9.385 27.56-1.432 58.971-25.993 74.602-21.169 13.473-47.12.371-66.2-15.926-14.37-12.272-16.13-31.86-11.068-50.066 6.08-21.874 15.757-46.304 38.382-48.19' clipRule='evenodd' /> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__f)' fillOpacity={0.2} fillRule='evenodd' d='M85.957 4.231c27.911-2.327 55.85 13.068 64.879 39.58 9.385 27.56-1.432 58.971-25.993 74.602-21.169 13.473-47.12.371-66.2-15.926-14.37-12.272-16.13-31.86-11.068-50.066 6.08-21.874 15.757-46.304 38.382-48.19' clipRule='evenodd' /> </mask> <g mask='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__g)'> <path fill='url(#blobby-icon-wrench_svg__h)' d='m161.281 84.159-43.2-43.2-39.64 46.502 40.36 40.359z' opacity={0.25} /> </g> <path fill='#EAF3DC' d='M110 38.667c-9.181 0-16.667 7.485-16.667 16.666 0 1.876.395 3.646.969 5.328L78.148 76.815h-.002c-2.847 2.847-2.846 7.524.002 10.37a7.34 7.34 0 0 0 5.185 2.148 7.34 7.34 0 0 0 5.185-2.148h.003l16.151-16.154c1.682.575 3.454.969 5.331.969 9.18 0 16.666-7.486 16.666-16.667 0-2.668-.647-5.187-1.755-7.414a1.996 1.996 0 0 0-2.403-1.012 2 2 0 0 0-.8.489l-9.159 9.156c-.528.528-1.2.781-1.885.781a2.63 2.63 0 0 1-1.886-.78 2.635 2.635 0 0 1 0-3.77v-.002l9.156-9.156a2 2 0 0 0-.523-3.203A16.6 16.6 0 0 0 110 38.667' /> <path fill='#2C8658' d='M110 38.667c-9.181 0-16.667 7.485-16.667 16.666 0 1.876.395 3.646.969 5.328L78.148 76.815h-.002c-2.847 2.847-2.846 7.524.002 10.37a7.34 7.34 0 0 0 5.185 2.148 7.34 7.34 0 0 0 5.185-2.148h.003l16.151-16.154c1.682.575 3.454.969 5.331.969 9.18 0 16.666-7.486 16.666-16.667 0-2.668-.647-5.187-1.755-7.414a1.996 1.996 0 0 0-2.403-1.012 2 2 0 0 0-.8.489l-9.159 9.156c-.528.528-1.2.781-1.885.781a2.63 2.63 0 0 1-1.886-.78 2.635 2.635 0 0 1 0-3.77v-.002l9.156-9.156a2 2 0 0 0-.523-3.203A16.6 16.6 0 0 0 110 38.667m0 4c.999 0 1.966.122 2.896.343l-6.943 6.943c-2.588 2.586-2.588 6.841 0 9.427a6.67 6.67 0 0 0 4.714 1.953c1.703 0 3.42-.66 4.713-1.953l6.945-6.943A12.636 12.636 0 0 1 110.003 68c-1.812 0-3.523-.385-5.084-1.07a2 2 0 0 0-2.219.416l-17.01 17.01a3.3 3.3 0 0 1-2.357.977 3.3 3.3 0 0 1-2.36-.976 3.304 3.304 0 0 1 .004-4.714l17.01-17.008a2 2 0 0 0 .417-2.218 12.6 12.6 0 0 1-1.07-5.084A12.637 12.637 0 0 1 110 42.667' /> </g> <defs> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__b' x1={139.5} x2={52.354} y1={110} y2={24.156} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#F1F0EC' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#84D6AC' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__c' x1={137} x2={147} y1={93} y2={108} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'> <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__d' x1={78} x2={88} y1={18} y2={33} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'> <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__e' x1={54} x2={64} y1={69} y2={84} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'> <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__f' x1={139.5} x2={52.354} y1={110} y2={24.156} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#F1F0EC' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#84D6AC' /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__h' x1={92.343} x2={141.726} y1={66.5} y2={107.689} gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' > <stop stopColor='#2C8658' /> <stop offset={1} stopColor='#ACD278' /> </linearGradient> <clipPath id='blobby-icon-wrench_svg__a'> <path fill='#fff' d='M0 0h200v128H0z' /> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> ); export default SvgBlobbyIconWrench; |