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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 2x | import * as React from 'react'; import { SVGProps } from 'react'; interface SVGRProps { title?: string; titleId?: string; } const SvgIconSeedBank = ({ title, titleId, ...props }: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & SVGRProps) => ( <svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24' aria-labelledby={titleId} {...props}> {title ? <title id={titleId}>{title}</title> : null} <path d='M8.25 2.75c-1.837 0-3.433 1.166-4.521 2.873S2 9.614 2 12.125s.64 4.795 1.729 6.502S6.413 21.5 8.25 21.5c.52 0 1.027-.093 1.507-.269a1 1 0 0 0 .102-.046c1.424.718 3.171.611 4.838-.062 1.885-.761 3.735-2.246 5.163-4.275 1.425-2.024 2.225-4.245 2.332-6.26.108-2.014-.505-3.892-2.01-4.951-1.06-.746-2.344-.951-3.675-.742-1.077.169-2.183.613-3.224 1.258-.48-.926-.997-1.747-1.749-2.362-.823-.673-1.91-1.041-3.284-1.041m0 1.5c1.126 0 1.785.252 2.335.702.541.443.992 1.143 1.47 2.091a13.3 13.3 0 0 0-2.415 2.61c-.21.296-.306.614-.488.918-.261-1.174.222-1.905.222-1.905a.75.75 0 1 0-1.248-.832s-1.203 1.938-.047 4.251q. 1.223-.866 2.447-.928 3.61-.083 1.54.258 3 1.095 4.075-.051.003-.101.014-.153.014-1.2 0-2.355-.765-3.257-2.18S3.5 14.377 3.5 12.125s.59-4.28 1.493-5.695C5.895 5.015 7.05 4.25 8.25 4.25m9.36 2.089q.268.009.519.052c.446.076.85.233 1.19.472.978.69 1.465 1.974 1.375 3.646-.089 1.672-.783 3.66-2.06 5.475-1.274 1.81-2.93 3.115-4.498 3.748-1.568.634-2.975.594-3.954-.095-.98-.69-1.466-1.974-1.376-3.646.089-1.672.783-3.66 2.06-5.475a11.6 11.6 0 0 1 2.578-2.666c1.415-1.04 2.916-1.553 4.165-1.511m.128 1.15a.75.75 0 0 0-.723.908s.212 1.144 0 2.205c-.107.531-.312 1.01-.639 1.336-.327.328-.782.562-1.626.562-1.27 0-2.246.37-2.895.987-.65.617-.936 1.419-1.045 2.154-.216 1.469.223 2.828.223 2.828a.75.75 0 1 0 1.434-.438s-.325-1.14-.173-2.172c.076-.515.256-.963.594-1.284.338-.32.868-.575 1.862-.575 1.156 0 2.076-.39 2.686-1.001s.906-1.382 1.05-2.101c.287-1.44 0-2.795 0-2.795a.75.75 0 0 0-.748-.614' /> </svg> ); export default SvgIconSeedBank; |