Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||
id | int8 | 19 | null |
config_id | int8 | 19 | null |
project_id | int8 | 19 | null |
status_id | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
start_date | date | 13 | null |
end_date | date | 13 | null |
internal_comment | text | 2147483647 | √ | null |
feedback | text | 2147483647 | √ | null |
created_by | int8 | 19 | null |
created_time | timestamptz | 35,6 | null |
modified_by | int8 | 19 | null |
modified_time | timestamptz | 35,6 | null |
submitted_by | int8 | 19 | √ | null |
submitted_time | timestamptz | 35,6 | √ | null |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
reports_pkey | Primary key | Asc | id |
reports_end_date_idx | Performance | Asc | end_date |
reports_project_id_idx | Performance | Asc | project_id |
Check Constraints
Constraint Name | Constraint |
submitted_status | ((((status_id = 1) AND (submitted_by IS NULL) AND (submitted_time IS NULL)) OR (((status_id = 2) OR (status_id = 3) OR (status_id = 4)) AND (submitted_by IS NOT NULL) AND (submitted_time IS NOT NULL)) OR (status_id = 5))) |
reports_check | ((end_date > start_date)) |