
0 rows


Regions within planting sites that have a consistent set of conditions such that survey results from any part of the zone can be extrapolated to the entire zone. Planting zones are subdivided into plots. Every planting zone has at least one plot.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
observed_zone_species_totals.planting_zone_id observed_zone_species_totals_planting_zone_id_fkeyC
planting_subzones.planting_zone_id plots_planting_zone_id_fkeyC
planting_zone_histories.planting_zone_id planting_zone_histories_planting_zone_id_fkeyN
planting_zone_populations.planting_zone_id planting_zone_populations_planting_zone_id_fkeyC
planting_site_id int8 19 null
planting_subzones.planting_site_id plots_planting_site_id_planting_zone_id_fkeyR planting_zones_planting_site_id_fkeyC

Which planting site this zone is part of.

name text 2147483647 null

Short name of this planting zone. This is often just a single letter. Must be unique within a planting site.

boundary geometry 2147483647 null

Boundary of the planting zone. This area is further subdivided into plots. This will typically be a single polygon but may be multiple polygons if a planting zone has several disjoint areas. Coordinates always use SRID 4326 (WGS 84 latitude/longitude).

created_by int8 19 null planting_zones_created_by_fkeyR

Which user created the planting zone.

created_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the planting zone was originally created.

modified_by int8 19 null planting_zones_modified_by_fkeyR

Which user most recently modified the planting zone.

modified_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the planting zone was most recently modified.

variance numeric 131089 null
students_t numeric 131089 null
error_margin numeric 131089 null
num_permanent_clusters int4 10 null

Number of permanent clusters to assign to the next observation. This is typically derived from a statistical formula and from extra_permanent_clusters.

num_temporary_plots int4 10 null
area_ha numeric 131089 null
target_planting_density numeric 131089 1500
extra_permanent_clusters int4 10 0

Number of clusters to add to observation in addition to the number that is derived from the statistical formula. Typically this is due to additional area being added to a zone after initial creation. This is included in the value of num_permanent_clusters, that is, it is an input to the calculation of that column’s value.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
planting_zones_pkey Primary key Asc id
planting_zones_planting_site_id_id_key Must be unique Asc/Asc planting_site_id + id
planting_zones_planting_site_id_name_key Must be unique Asc/Asc planting_site_id + name

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
area_positive ((area_ha > (0)::numeric))
must_have_permanent_clusters ((num_permanent_clusters > 0))
must_have_temporary_plots ((num_temporary_plots > 0))
positive_target_density ((target_planting_density > (0)::numeric))
