
0 rows


Top-level information about entire planting sites. Every planting site has at least one planting zone.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
deliveries.planting_site_id deliveries_planting_site_id_fkeyC
observations.planting_site_id observations_planting_site_id_fkeyC
observed_site_species_totals.planting_site_id observed_site_species_totals_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_seasons.planting_site_id planting_seasons_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_site_histories.planting_site_id planting_site_histories_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_site_notifications.planting_site_id planting_site_notifications_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_site_populations.planting_site_id planting_site_populations_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_subzones.planting_site_id plots_planting_site_id_fkeyC
planting_zones.planting_site_id planting_zones_planting_site_id_fkeyC
plantings.planting_site_id plantings_planting_site_id_fkeyC
organization_id int8 19 null planting_sites_organization_id_fkeyC

Which organization owns this planting site.

name text 2147483647 null

Short name of this planting site. Must be unique within the organization.

description text 2147483647 null

Optional user-supplied description of the planting site.

boundary geometry 2147483647 null

Boundary of the entire planting site. Planting zones will generally fall inside this boundary. This will typically be a single polygon but may be multiple polygons if a planting site has several disjoint areas. Coordinates always use SRID 4326 (WGS 84 latitude/longitude).

created_by int8 19 null planting_sites_created_by_fkeyR

Which user created the planting site.

created_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the planting site was originally created.

modified_by int8 19 null planting_sites_modified_by_fkeyR

Which user most recently modified the planting site.

modified_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the planting site was most recently modified.

time_zone text 2147483647 null
time_zones.time_zone planting_sites_time_zone_fkeyN
area_ha numeric 131089 null
project_id int8 19 null planting_sites_project_id_fkeyN
exclusion geometry 2147483647 null

Optional area to exclude from a site. No monitoring plots will be located in this area.

grid_origin geometry 2147483647 null

Coordinates of the origin point of the grid of monitoring plots. Monitoring plot corners have X and Y coordinates that are multiples of 25 meters from the origin point.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
planting_sites_pkey Primary key Asc id
planting_sites_organization_id_name_key Must be unique Asc/Asc organization_id + name
planting_sites_project_id_idx Performance Asc project_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
planting_sites_description_check ((description !~ similar_to_escape(' *'::text)))
area_positive ((area_ha > (0)::numeric))
