
0 rows


Recorded trees or shrubs of a biomass observation.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
observation_id int8 19 null
observation_biomass_species.observation_id recorded_trees_observation_id_monitoring_plot_id_biomass_s_fkeyC recorded_trees_observation_id_fkeyC
monitoring_plot_id int8 19 null
observation_biomass_species.monitoring_plot_id recorded_trees_observation_id_monitoring_plot_id_biomass_s_fkeyC recorded_trees_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
biomass_species_id int8 19 null recorded_trees_observation_id_monitoring_plot_id_biomass_s_fkeyC
tree_number int4 10 null

A unique incremental number starting at 1 for accounting trunks at a biomass observation. Defaults to 1 for Trees/Shrubs.

trunk_number int4 10 null
tree_growth_form_id int4 10 null recorded_trees_tree_growth_form_id_fkeyR
is_dead bool 1 null
diameter_at_breast_height_cm numeric 131089 null
point_of_measurement_m numeric 131089 null
height_m numeric 131089 null
shrub_diameter_cm int4 10 null
description text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
recorded_trees_pkey Primary key Asc id
recorded_trees_observation_id_tree_number_trunk_number_key Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc observation_id + tree_number + trunk_number

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
growth_form_specific_data ((((tree_growth_form_id = 1) AND (diameter_at_breast_height_cm IS NOT NULL) AND (point_of_measurement_m IS NOT NULL) AND (shrub_diameter_cm IS NULL) AND (trunk_number = 1)) OR ((tree_growth_form_id = 2) AND (diameter_at_breast_height_cm IS NULL) AND (point_of_measurement_m IS NULL) AND (height_m IS NULL) AND (shrub_diameter_cm IS NOT NULL) AND (trunk_number = 1)) OR ((tree_growth_form_id = 3) AND (diameter_at_breast_height_cm IS NOT NULL) AND (point_of_measurement_m IS NOT NULL) AND (shrub_diameter_cm IS NULL))))
recorded_trees_diameter_at_breast_height_cm_check ((diameter_at_breast_height_cm >= (0)::numeric))
recorded_trees_point_of_measurement_m_check ((point_of_measurement_m >= (0)::numeric))
recorded_trees_trunk_number_check ((trunk_number >= 1))
recorded_trees_height_m_check ((height_m >= (0)::numeric))
recorded_trees_shrub_diameter_cm_check ((shrub_diameter_cm >= 0))
recorded_trees_tree_number_check ((tree_number >= 1))
