
0 rows


Regions within planting subzones that can be comprehensively surveyed in order to extrapolate results for the entire zone. Any monitoring plot in a subzone is expected to have roughly the same number of plants of the same species as any other monitoring plot in the same subzone.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int8 19 null
monitoring_plot_histories.monitoring_plot_id monitoring_plot_histories_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
monitoring_plot_overlaps.monitoring_plot_id monitoring_plot_overlaps_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
monitoring_plot_overlaps.overlaps_plot_id monitoring_plot_overlaps_overlaps_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_biomass_details.monitoring_plot_id observation_biomass_details_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_biomass_quadrat_details.monitoring_plot_id observation_biomass_quadrat_details_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_biomass_quadrat_species.monitoring_plot_id observation_biomass_quadrat_species_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_biomass_species.monitoring_plot_id observation_biomass_species_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_photos.monitoring_plot_id observation_photos_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyR
observation_plot_conditions.monitoring_plot_id observation_plot_conditions_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observation_plots.monitoring_plot_id observation_plots_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observed_plot_coordinates.monitoring_plot_id observed_plot_coordinates_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
observed_plot_species_totals.monitoring_plot_id observed_plot_species_totals_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
recorded_plants.monitoring_plot_id recorded_plants_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
recorded_trees.monitoring_plot_id recorded_trees_monitoring_plot_id_fkeyC
planting_subzone_id int8 19 null monitoring_plots_planting_subzone_id_fkeyN

Which planting subzone this monitoring plot is currently part of, if any. May be null if the subzone was edited or removed after the plot was created, or if the plot was created outside the site boundary.

created_by int8 19 null monitoring_plots_created_by_fkeyR

Which user created the monitoring plot.

created_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the monitoring plot was originally created.

modified_by int8 19 null monitoring_plots_modified_by_fkeyR

Which user most recently modified the monitoring plot.

modified_time timestamptz 35,6 null

When the monitoring plot was most recently modified.

boundary geometry 2147483647 null

Boundary of the monitoring plot. Coordinates always use SRID 4326 (WGS 84 latitude/longitude).

permanent_cluster int4 10 null

If this plot is a candidate to be a permanent monitoring plot, its position in the randomized list of plots for the planting zone. Starts at 1 for each planting zone. There are always 4 plots with a given sequence number in a given zone. If null, this plot is not part of a 4-plot cluster but may still be chosen as a temporary monitoring plot.

permanent_cluster_subplot int4 10 null

If this plot is a candidate to be a permanent monitoring plot, its ordinal position from 1 to 4 in the 4-plot cluster. 1=southwest, 2=southeast, 3=northeast, 4=northwest.

is_available bool 1 true
size_meters int4 10 null

Length in meters of one side of the monitoring plot. Plots are always squares, so for a 30x30m plot, this would be 30.

planting_site_id int8 19 null monitoring_plots_planting_site_id_fkeyC
is_ad_hoc bool 1 null
organization_id int8 19 null monitoring_plots_organization_id_fkeyC
plot_number int8 19 null

User-visible identifier of this plot. Plot numbers are sequential and start at 1 for each organization.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
monitoring_plots_pkey Primary key Asc id
monitoring_plots_organization_id_plot_number_key Must be unique Asc/Asc organization_id + plot_number
monitoring_plots_planting_site_id_idx Performance Asc planting_site_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
cluster_has_subplot ((((permanent_cluster IS NOT NULL) AND (permanent_cluster_subplot IS NOT NULL)) OR ((permanent_cluster IS NULL) AND (permanent_cluster_subplot IS NULL))))
subplot_is_valid (((permanent_cluster_subplot >= 1) AND (permanent_cluster_subplot <= 4)))
