
249 rows


Country information per ISO-3166.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
code text 2147483647 null
applications.country_code applications_country_code_fkeyR
country_subdivisions.country_code country_subdivisions_country_code_fkeyR
organizations.country_code organizations_country_code_fkeyR
projects.country_code projects_country_code_fkeyR
users.country_code users_country_code_fkeyR
accessions.collection_site_country_code accessions_collection_site_country_code_fkeyR

ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code. We use this code to refer to countries elsewhere in the data model.

name text 2147483647 null

Name of country in US English.

region_id int4 10 null countries_region_id_fkeyR
code_alpha3 text 2147483647 null

ISO-3166 alpha-3 country code. This is used in cases where an external system or user needs an alpha-3 code instad of an alpha-2 code, but is treated purely as descriptive data in the data model.

eligible bool 1 null

If false, projects in this country are ineligible for the accelerator program.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
countries_pkey Primary key Asc code
countries_code_alpha3_key Must be unique Asc code_alpha3
countries_name_key Must be unique Asc name

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
countries_code_length ((length(code) = 2))
countries_code_caps ((code = upper(code)))
